CT200324M6E 2000-4519 2003 E-24V T12 View larger

CT200324M6E 2000-4519 2003 E-24V T12 Stop Solenoid



Part Numbers:  CT 200324

2000-4519 Solenoid


2003E-24V T12

CT200324 SOL 2003 24v M6E


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19 900,00 ₽

Data sheet

Thread M6
Voltage 24 V

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MAN D2842 LE

SOL 2003 24V M6E

Terminal: POS(+), NEG(-) , AUX

Rated Stroke:  25.4MM 

Pull Current:  37 A 

Hold Current:  0.4 A

Pull Rating:116 N

Hold Rating:  227 N 


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